Hexicon’s with new floating wind platform


Eco Factor: Floating platform to harvest wind energy to generate up to 40MW of renewable power.

With nations pledging to reduce the carbon footprint to counter global warming, the need for systems that generate renewable energy has been on a rise. While most energy companies are trying to find locations for renewable energy power plants, Sweden’s Hexicon has developed a new solution for offshore wind power.

The company has come up with a conceptual floating platform that can accommodate six or seven large turbines to generate up to 40MW of renewable power. The structure will feature a central hub, which will be used to control the turbines. The system, according to the company can generate electricity at the same cost per MW as conventional offshore wind farms that are being built at 20-30m depth in the North Sea.

Unlike conventional offshore wind farms, which are difficult to maintain, Hexicon’s concept can operate for 50-60 years without much need for maintenance. Moreover, the wind turbines installed in the system can be replaced as more efficient models are made available.

The platform can be built onshore and then transported to the location and can also be assembled on site. If more energy is needed from the platform, it can also be accommodate wave-power installations as well.


Source: ecofriend, February 26, 2010;