MECAL completed Technical Due Diligence of the Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm (UK)

Business & Finance

On behalf of Stadtwerke München (SWM), MECAL has accomplished the technical due diligence of the Offshore-Windfarm „Gwynt y Môr“, which has a planned capacity of 576 MW, one of the biggest wind farms in the world.

The wind farm is to be realised of the coast of North Wales in the United Kingdom. The technical evaluation of the project was performed jointly with MECAL’s cooperation partners BBB Umwelttechnik and ep4 offshore.

Key items addressed in the due diligence were yield estimations, electro-technical concept, technical aspects of all relevant licenses, consents and evaluation of the key project contracts, logistic-, construction and operation concepts. In addition to this was the verification of the associated assumptions for CAPEX and OPEX.

For the realisation of „Gwynt y Môr“ SWM, RWE Innogy and Siemens have established a Joint Venture which will invest around 2 billion Euro in the development and construction of the wind farm including the offshore-transmission assets (OFTO). The 160 wind turbines will be connected to the grid in 2014 and allow full project operation to commence that year. With the acquisition of a 30% share in the project SWM is making a big step towards its objective to provide 100% green energy to satisfy the energy demand for the city of Munich by 2025.


Source: mecal, June 28, 2010;