Building an offshore wind industry (UK)

Training & Education

Exclusive from Offshore wind 2010 conference in Liverpool.

David Still, managing director of CBE talked today on Offshore Wind 2010 Conference about building the industry and offshore wind supply chain.

Supply chain is all about timing, we can’t relie on given time frames. He also added they are building the Britannia 10MW turbine which is due to deployment in 2012, and will be commercially available for Round 3 projects installed beyond 2015. Building a supply chain to support one of the world’s largest turbines is not easy. Shipping large components around the world is not ideal. Curent transport cost of blades from the Brasil is 1/3 (one third) of the blade value. UK companies should be available to assist in supply Clipper with key components. This persentation will provide information on how Clipper has approached the issue and how we have achived competitive soluitons.

“The greatest lifetime cost of offshore wind turbines is the door”, said David and added, “we need to find soulutions not to open those dors often”.

David still has worked in the renewables industrz since the early 1980’s. He has worked as a wind developer, including leading on the UK’s first offshore wind farm. He was the Chairman of the british wind energy association for 5 years up to 2002 and was instrumental in the evolution of the UK offshore wind industry. David was the Renewables Advisior at the DTI (new BERR) from 2003-2005. He is a member of the Renewables Advisory Board (RAB), and currently he is the Managing Director of Clipper Windpower Europe Limited. He was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire in the 2008 New Year Honours List.


June 30, 2010