Dr. Hermann Scheer, global fighter for renewable energy and for a more democratic and decentralised energyscheer supply, is dead
Yesterday morning, Dr. Hermann Scheer, Member of the German Parliament, President of Eurosolar and General Chairman of the World Council for Renewable Energy, died unexpectedly in Berlin. One of his greatest achievements, next to many books and inspiring speeches, was to initiate the successful feed-in tariff legislation for renewable energy which is today used in 50 countries all over the world.
Another tremendous success was the creation of the International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA in the year 2009 which has 148 member states to date. For his successful work for renewable energy Dr. Hermann Scheer received many awards, like the Alternative Nobel Prize and, in the year 2004, the World Wind Energy Award.
Dr. Anil Kane, President of WWEA: “The world has lost a great personality and leader who impressed us all with his fight for the solar age, for a global renewable energy future. His personal passion and his independence convinced people around the world that renewable energy are the only viable option for a world energy system that provides equal opportunities to all human beings in a sustainable way. WWEA has lost a close friend who inspired all of us with his visions for a better world, where there is no need for utilisation of any hazardous energy sources. Again and again, Dr Scheer reminded us of the huge economic, environmental and social opportunities of renewable energies. He was a realistic visionary and a strategic thinker at the same time. We will never forget him and his ideas and visions. Our thoughts are with his wife and his daughter.”
Dr Preben Maegaard, Founding President of WWEA: “Hermann Scheer was a close personal friend for me and for all of us a great fighter, not only for the shift towards renewable energies, away from fossil and nuclear energies. He was always fighting for decentralised principles, in order to break up monopolies and to create much more democratic energy supply systems. He also gave an important push for the creation of the World Wind Energy Association in 2001. I remember well when he encouraged the founding members of WWEA during the first meeting by saying: “You have to move now fast”. Also thanks to his encouragement, WWEA has been able to grow continuously, become one of the most representative renewable energy associations worldwide and support countries around the world in implementing ambitious wind power programmes.”
Stefan Gsänger, WWEA Secretary General: “Even in this very sad moment I am convinced that Dr. Scheer would have told us not to stop our struggle for a better future. I personally had the privilege of working closely with Hermann Scheer for many years. He was one of the first who understood the potential of renewable energies and developed practical and political strategies for their implementation. The great success of renewables around the world would have been impossible without him. For the future success of renewable energy, ultimately for the future of mankind, it will be of crucial importance that Hermann Scheer’s ideas, visions and principles will continue to guide us. The renewable energy sector worldwide owes Hermann an immense debt. In the interest of future generations, it is our obligation to maintain his spirit and to intensify our efforts for the global shift towards a renewable and democratic energy future.”
Source: wwindea, October 15, 2010