Gamesa is Ranked the Global Leader in the Renewable Energy Industrial Sector, According to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (Spain)

Business & Finance

The company is listed on Dow Jones global and European sustainability indices for the fourth consecutive year

Gamesa is rated the global leader in the renewable energy equipment industry, according to sustainability ranking the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World), which tracks the world’s top sustainability-driven corporations.

Gamesa is listed on the global index (DJSI World) and the European index (Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index) for the fourth consecutive year, following a review of its sustainability performance based on economic, environmental and social criteria.

The company’s inclusion on these indices for the fourth straight year represents an acknowledgement of Gamesa’s hard work and progress on sustainability issues. These efforts contribute to the development of all of the stakeholders with which Gamesa interacts in the social, environmental and economic spheres through its technological solutions for efficient and sustainable energy management.

Gamesa is one of 19 Spanish companies listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index. The DJSI Europe Index tracks the European companies with the best sustainability practices, and includes only 14 Spanish corporations.

Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes were launched in 1999 to grade the sustainability performance of the world’s best-in-class companies in terms of corporate social responsibility. DJSI World comprises 10% of the 2,500 companies listed on the Dow Jones Wilshire Global Index, and its components are chosen through an exacting selection process conducted by an independent investment firm, (SAM-Sustainability Asset Management). Meanwhile, DJSI Europe consists of the top 20% of the best sustainability performers on the Dow Jones Stoxx Index.

DJSI published the results of its annual review in November, two months later than usual, after SAM detected inconsistencies in its scoring software and decided to conduct a reassessment.

Gamesa is listed on other sustainability indices, including FTSE4Good, FTSE4Good IBEX, Ethibel Sustainability Index, SB20, KLD Global Climate 100 Index, Global Challenges Index, Cleantech Index and Standard & Poor’s Global Clean Energy Index.


Source: gamesa, November 08, 2010