Reinforcement of BARD Holding GmbH’s Management Board Bernd Ranneberg and Dieter Sichau new Managing Directors (Germany)

Training & Education

The shareholder meeting of the BARD-Group, headquartered in Emden, has appointed Bernd Ranneberg and Dieter Sichau to the BARD Holding GmbH management board.

They thereby reinforce Arwit Gunt, who was appointed as managing director beginning of October 2010.

Bernd Ranneberg (49) as CFO will be primarily responsible for Financing, Accounting and Controlling as well as Marketing and Public Relations, while Dieter Sichau as COO will bear responsibility for the technical department and will furthermore remain as managing director of the BARD Engineering GmbH. He took over this position in August 2010 after his position as managing director of Cuxhaven Steel Construction GmbH (CSC)..

Bernd Ranneberg has years of management experience in larger industrial and service companies. Key aspects of his previous activities have been corporate finance, reorganisation and reorientation of companies as well as the control of complex projects.

Background Information:

BARD Holding GmbH is the BARD Group’s parent company. The group also includes BARD Engineering GmbH, which was founded in Bremen in September 2003 as a project development and investment company specializing in offshore wind farms. Its corporate objective also includes the acquisition of such projects, as well as their realization and operation for its own account. The whole value creation chain in the area of electricity production from offshore wind power is now largely covered by companies in the BARD Group, which has its headquarters in Emden. BARD Emden Energy GmbH & Co. KG (BEE) has been manufacturing and assembling its own rotor blades, GRP components and complete offshore wind turbines in Emden since the end of 2006. BARD Tripile foundation structures for BARD offshore wind turbines went into series production at Cuxhaven Steel Construction GmbH (CSC) in mid-April 2008.

The group also includes BARD Building GmbH & Co. KG of Emden, which is responsible for installing the offshore wind farms, with ‘Wind Lift I’, the BARD construction vessel, being used for installation and maintenance. BARD Service GmbH will guarantee the high availability of BARD wind turbines in the future. The company operates a service and control center in Emden, as well as providing a resident maintenance team, which will be housed in an accommodation unit on the wind farm’s transformer platform, and an offshore wind farm tender for servicing the project. The Bremen, Emden and Cuxhaven sites employ more than 1,300 people in total.


Source: bard-offshore, January 27, 2011;