Crown Estate Invites Industry Input on Northern Ireland Offshore Development

Business & Finance

The Crown Estate today sets out the timetable for the development of offshore wind and tidal energy in Northern Ireland waters.

We have confirmed that from 1 April 2011 discussion will take place with potential developers on the opportunity of offshore wind and tidal energy in Northern Ireland waters. This will also help shape the leasing and development process which is planned to commence later this year.

We are seeking views on how areas of the seabed could be made available for renewable energy projects. It asks prospective developers of both offshore wind and tidal stream projects which areas are most attractive for development and how they would wish to see development rights provided by The Crown Estate.

Commenting on the announcement, Arlene Foster, MLA, Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, said: “I am very pleased that The Crown Estate has confirmed the next steps in the development of marine renewable energy in Northern Ireland waters. The Strategic Environmental Assessment that we undertook has shown there is strong potential for offshore wind and tidal stream projects, which could bring significant economic benefits to Northern Ireland as well as help meet our 40 per cent target for renewable energy by 2020. In pursuing these goals, we look forward to enhancing our already excellent relationship with The Crown Estate.”

Dermot Grimson, head of external relations, marine policy and planning at The Crown Estate, said: “Market interest in projects off Northern Ireland is growing and The Crown Estate is delighted to be working closely with DETI to help realise the potential. In inviting views on how development rights should be offered, we hope to approach site leasing in a way that maximises market interest and commitment to development and thereby find a ‘win-win’ for the industry and Northern Ireland.”


Source: thecrownestate, March 09, 2011