ABPmer to Advice ACRE on Renewable Energy Development Proposal in Alderney Waters (UK)



ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd (ABPmer) has been commissioned by the Alderney Commission for Renewable Energy (ACRE) to provide independent advice on the Environmental Statement relating to a current marine renewable energy development proposal in Alderney waters.

The Alderney Commission for Renewable Energy is the statutory body responsible for licensing and regulating the development, use and management of all forms of renewable energy in Alderney and its territorial waters. The Commission operates a consents policy, in line with UK offshore consenting standards, for developers who wish to deploy devices in Alderney waters for generation of energy from renewable systems e.g. from tidal streams.

Stephen Hull, Business Development Director at ABPmer said “we are delighted to be supporting ACRE on the assessment of this exciting renewable development in the Channel Islands. ABPmer has been helping the renewable energy sector in gaining marine consents for over a decade and we bring a wealth of knowledge of the key environmental issues relevant to marine renewable energy development in UK offshore and coastal waters.

“ABPmer also have technical expertise in a wide range of marine disciplines, including all aspects of the marine environment, the marine historic environment, navigation and the full range of marine socio-economic interests. We are, therefore, pleased to be able to offer our comprehensive review service to ACRE.”

ABPmer is a leading provider of specialist advice and technical expertise to the marine renewable energy sector and has undertaken and contributed to numerous EIAs, Appropriate Assessments (AAs), Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) feasibility studies and marine constraints assessments. Additionally, it has led several strategic reviews for Government and The Crown Estate including the recent Habitats Regulations Appraisal of the Plan for Offshore Wind Energy in Scottish Territorial Waters.



Source: abpmer, May 13, 2011; Image: are