RenewableUK Unveils First Energy Health and Safety Awards Scheme
RenewableUK, Britain’s largest wind and marine energy association, and The Crown Estate announces the creation of the first ever health and safety awards scheme, to recognise outstanding performance in the renewable energy sector.
The initiative will be open to all renewable energy technologies, and is another example of renewable industries working together to take a global lead on a highly important issue.
The first annual winner will be announced at the RenewableUK Health and Safety Conference on 1st February 2012.
The main purpose is to recognise the development, implementation and sharing of best practice in health and safety across the industry. It is hoped that such examples will act as a beacon to drive and deliver the highest health and safety standards over what will be a critical stage of growth for the renewable energy sector.
This is a joint initiative by the RenewableUK and The Crown Estate. It will also involve the support and contribution of all key industry stakeholders to make the awards scheme a success.
Maria McCaffery MBE, Chief Executive of RenewableUK, said:
“The awards scheme is a tangible example of the paramount importance we attach to health and safety within the renewable energy sector. We already have an outstanding record on this issue, thanks to the dedication of thousands of experts who ensure that risk assessments are carried out with an unparalleled degree of professionalism. These awards will serve to encourage best practice, and to ensure that this vital area of expertise is recognised in an appropriate manner”.
Rob Hastings, Director of the Marine Estate at The Crown Estate welcomed this joint initiative, saying:
“Health and safety is crucial to the delivery of offshore wind, wave and tidal renewables programmes, and it’s essential that good practice gets shared industry wide so that high standards are set. We view our role as helping and encouraging industry to share best practice, demonstrating our commitment to the safe and successful development of marine renewable energy in the UK.”
Source: RenewableUK , July 11, 2011;