Export Cable Connects Walney 2 Substation with National Grid (UK)

Grid Connection

The export cable pull for the Walney 2 substation was completed at 04.00 on Sunday 3 July, when the export cable was pulled up to the cable deck of the offshore substation. Here the cable ends are being terminated and the fibre optic cables are currently being jointed.

 Export cable joint completed

The two parts of the export cable have been laid and on Wednesday 20 July, the export cable joint was completed. The export cable connects the national grid at Cleveleys near Blackpool with the offshore substation placed inside the wind farm.

The Walney Offshore Windfarm

The Walney Offshore Windfarm project is located approximately 15km west of Barrow-in-Furness in Cumbria. The project consists of Walney 1 and Walney 2 each with 51 – 3.6MW turbines, giving a total capacity of the Walney project of 367.2MW. The rotor diameter of the turbines is 107m for Walney 1 and 120m for Walney 2, with a maximum height of 150m from blade tip to sea level. The total area of the development is some 73km2.


Source: dongenergy, July 29, 2011