Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm Faces Delays (UK)


Scira partners Statoil and Statkraft insist the 317MW Sheringham Shoal offshore wind farm is on budget despite a revised construction schedule that now targets commercial operation in summer 2012.

That is some six months later than originally planned. The ballpark cost of the troubled project remains roughly £1bn, as first stated in April 2009, according to a spokesperson. This has not changed despite schedule slippages linked largely to difficulties with installation vessels.

The wind farm is currently due to be handed over to the operators in mid-2012, although the spokesperson said the revised completion date includes wriggle room “to manage expectations”. The project could still come online earlier. The first Siemens 3.6MW turbine installed off the coast of Norfolk started generating to the grid on 2 August.Commissioning of the second unit is underway but another 86 have yet to be erected.

Jack-up barge GMS Endeavour, which has been contracted for the entire duration of the construction programme, is delivering turbines to the site two at a time from Great Yarmouth. A number of interarray cables and 16 foundations have yet to be installed.

Bournemouth Council is to study the potential effects of Eneco’s proposed 900MW Navitus Bay wind farm on the local community.


Source: orbisenergy, August 11, 2011