KR Wind Sees Great Opportunities 2011 Conventions (Denmark)


KR Wind has recently participated at China Wind Power 2011 as well as the CanWEA convention in Vancouver.

China is an important up-and-coming market. The growth in Asia is mainly driven by India and China where there has been continuing impressive growth in the wind sector, not only in terms of manufacturers and sub suppliers growing and entering into new business areas, but certainly also in terms of new capacity installed.

– The region will develop from China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand to other countries in the region, setting bigger challenges than ever for suppliers. But we’re ready for it, says CEO of KR Wind John Hartvig Larsen.

This year’s CanWEA congress was held at the Vancouver Convention Centre, known for its unusually sustainable building design. The living roof, seawater heating and cooling and fish habitat built into the foundation make it one of the greenest convention centres in the world and the perfect site for the world’s most important wind companies to meet.

Both conventions were a great opportunity to meet our current and potential clients and business partners and make plans for the future.


Source: krwind, October 26, 2011