Svanen Erects 14 Monopiles at Anholt Offshore Wind Farm (Denmark)

Since the first monopile was installed at 19.00hrs on New Year’s Eve, periods of good weather have been used to install foundations. On 1 February 2012, Svanen had erected 14 monopiles.
Even though the January weather has been rough, it has been good for foundation installation. Since 27 December, the area has been hit by two storms so strong that statistically they only occur once a year and by two storms of a category just below the first two. Due to the storms, Svanen has had to postpone departure and head for port in Grenaa twice and most recently, it has gone to the north side of Djursland off Bønnerup to find shelter against the wind. But during January, we have also had long periods of quiet weather, which is necessary to be able to install the monopiles.
When the monopiles are floated from Aalborg, it requires 12 consecutive hours during which the wave height does not exceed 1.5 metres. Pile driving also requires a period of 12 hours, but this time with a maximum wave height of 1 metre. And even though we have had storms, the weather has also been good for long periods of time with wave heights below 1 metre.
Offshore WIND staff, February 07, 2012; Image: dongenergy