Tocardo and SPD Agree Dealership Deal for Japan


Tocardo and SPD Agree Dealership Deal for Japan

TOCARDO International, the leading tidal energy supplier from the Netherlands, has made a significant step in commercialising its TOCARDO Tidal Turbine Technology by signing a dealership contract for Japan with Spectol Power Design Co., Ltd. (SPD).

TOCARDO is targeting Japan as a highly promising market for tidal and river energy generation and is delighted to link up with SPD as its preferred business partner there. Together, they will focus on turbine supply deals of 18 MW over the coming three years.

SPD and TOCARDO were brought together by CDI Japan – a specialist in forging alliances between Japanese and overseas companies , including in the field of renewable energy.

Hans van Breugel, CEO of TOCARDO, said: “We are thrilled to have entered into this agreement with SPD based on mutual trust and a shared vision of the potential of the TOCARDO tidal technology. TOCARDO is actively pursuing a network of dealers who can deliver on the TOCARDO ambition as part of our long-term strategy. This dealership agreement is clear evidence of the viability of our business strategy and we expect to develop our alliance in line with both the market opportunities and our product offerings”.

 Nobuhisa Hayashi, President & CEO of Spectol Power Design Co., Ltd. (SPD) said: “Being fully convinced of the potential of the TOCARDO technology, in both tidal as well as river applications, we are proud to start a close cooperation with TOCARDO. It will allow us to offer our clients a renewable, economic and reliable energy source”.

TOCARDO already has a foothold in the Japanese market, having recently made its first commercial sale of a turbine to the country. The unit – which will serve as an important demonstrator of TOCARDO’s technology – is due to be delivered in October this year. A world-first advantage for TOCARDO is its ability to deliver fixed-price and off-the-shelf turbines, with just six months delivery time.


Offshore WIND staff, March 19, 2012; Image: tocardo