UK: E.ON to Install Humber Gateway Onshore Cable

E.ON is taking the next step in construction of its £736m Humber Gateway wind farm and will soon begin laying the onshore cable, which will be used to connect the offshore turbines to a new onshore substation at Salt End.
The wind farm which will be located 8km off the East Yorkshire coast, is due to be completed in Spring 2015 and will consist of 73 turbines, generating up to 219MW of electricity – enough energy to power up to 170,000 homes.
The Humber Gateway project will involve the construction of wind turbines, foundation works, building onshore and offshore substations, installing undersea power cables and the 30km onshore cable. E.ON will be working with the local community to keep them updated and informed throughout the construction process.
The project aims to create up to 1,000 jobs during construction and E.ON, along with representatives from partner organisations National Grid, Siemens, Balfour Beatty Utility Services, Murphy’s and CG Power Solutions, will be hosting a ‘Meet the buyer’ event in Hull to explain the opportunities available to local businesses.
The event is designed for organisations wishing to express an interest in providing services to Humber Gateway and will give attendees an opportunity to meet specialist buyers and network with other businesses who may be interested in forming partnerships to bid for work on the project.
Types of suppliers that may be required include catering, cleaning services, security, building trade and associated services, supplementary site labour, plant and machinery hire, hospitality and accommodation, civil and electrical materials, goods and consumables.
Matthew Swanwick, Humber Gateway Project Manager at E.ON, said: “We’re extremely pleased to have reached this milestone in the development of Humber Gateway. Construction is well underway, we will soon begin laying the onshore cable, plus we’re hosting an event to meet local businesses and discuss how they can work with our lead contractors to help develop the project.
“Humber Gateway will be extremely significant in terms of the UK’s production of clean, green renewable energy and I’m looking forward to talking to local businesses about how they can be part of the project.”
E.ON will host its meet the buyer event at the Arc Building, Blanket Row, Hull on Tuesday 10 May, between 12pm and 6pm.
Offshore WIND staff, May 4, 2012; Image: E.ON