UK: Tocardo to Present Tidal Power at ‘All-Energy’ Conference

Business & Finance

Tocardo to Present Tidal Power at 'All-Energy' Conference

Tocardo International, the leading producer of hydro-power turbines, will make the case for tidal power at the international All-Energy conference in Aberdeen on 23 & 24 May. The Dutch hydro-power specialist is one of the first companies in the world to deliver a complete tidal technology and sell its water turbines commercially.

Earlier this year, Tocardo signed its first contracts to sell its turbines, which can be installed off shore and in rivers, to clients in Japan and Nepal. It also signed a dealership agreement to sell its patented technology into Korea, which is among the world’s most promising tidal energy markets, and is pursuing opportunities in Europe and North America.

Over the past few years, Tocardo has moved ahead of many of its peers by fully developing highly efficient water turbines on a smaller scale and at low cost. The turbines have been extensively tested in Dutch coastal waters, paving the way for the building of larger-scale turbines of 500kW, 1MW and more – which can resist more aggressive tidal waters across the globe.

 “Our decision to start small is paying off. By starting with smaller turbines that are relatively easy to install and maintain, we are quickly developing this relatively-new source of energy. This is indispensable for tidal energy to become a fully-fledged sector and to give tidal energy a significant place in the renewable energy mix,” says Sander de Block, Tocardo’s commercial director. “We are keen to share our strategy with peers and potential clients in Aberdeen,” he adds.

Tocardo’s technology is the result of 12 years of R&D. Building on the Netherlands’ long tradition of water engineering, it is simple and reliable. Tocardo inshore turbines produce energy at a cost of €0.11 – €0.12 per kWh, which is competitive compared to electricity produced by wind farms. In remote geographical areas Tocardo turbines already produce at same price level, or are actually cheaper than traditional energy. The kWh production price of Tocardo’s offshore turbines is expected to be €0.20 – €0.25 per kWh.


Offshore WIND staff, May 22, 2012; Image: tocardo