UK: Intertek Develops Array Cable Route Planner

Grid Connection

UK: Intertek Develops Array Cable Route Planner

Intertek’s Energy and Water consultancy services (formerly Intertek METOC), has launched a cable optimisation service to support planning and operation of array, export and interconnector cables. 

The unique modelling service will enable developers and utilities to save time and cost during array cable planning and improve routeing for export and interconnector cables.

With the manifest complexities in the cabling sector continuing to keep the costs of developing offshore renewables high, there is a market need for tools and services that optimises route deployment to offshore sites.

The Array Cable Route Planner service optimises array layouts against environmental and engineering constraints. This in turn provides greater precision to the cable lengths required, leading to reduced cost.

Design changes can also be accommodated quickly and easily, meaning savings to time and programme. The service also provides routeing analysis and assessment for export and interconnector cables, so that routes can be optimised.

For all applications, the data is processed through a powerful database and analysis suite and accessed through a graphical interface. The final design forms the basis of an as-built asset management system, which can be tailored specifically for cables or expanded to accommodate broader project needs. The as-built asset management system is then used to support ongoing operation & maintenance.

“As offshore renewable projects increase in number and size, there is an urgent need for a solution that minimises the cost and programme for cable array design and installation. If the offshore renewable energy industry is to reach its ambitions in substantially reducing its cost base it urgently needs to tackle cable route optimisation. With the limitations in current methods, our new service will provide material benefits” said Chris Mooij, Director, Intertek Energy and Water consultancy services.

Intertek will be exhibiting at the RenewableUK Global Offshore Wind conference in London on 13th– 14th June 2012. Stand number 571. A 3D demo of Array Cable Route Planner will be shown during a drinks reception on Wednesday 13 June between 16:00 – 17:00.


Offshore WIND staff, June 13, 2012; Image: Intertek