UK: Navitus Bay Organises Information Workshops for Local Businesses

UK: Navitus Bay Organises Information Workshops for Local Businesses

Navitus Bay Development Limited is offering local businesses the chance to attend a series of free workshops and presentations to provide information on the supply chain for the proposed offshore wind park.

The sessions will be open to engineering businesses and marine/port services industries in Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. These industries will potentially supply goods and services for onshore and offshore aspects of the proposed wind park if the wind park is granted planning consent.

Representatives from Navitus Bay and supply chain experts will share updates, information and current plans. They will also inform businesses of the potential opportunities and support open to them as part of the Navitus Bay supply chain. Speakers at the events include representatives from Navitus Bay, The Crown Estate, BVG Associates, Dorset LEP, RegenSW and Marine South East.

 Chris Sherrington, Project Director for Navitus Bay, comments:

 “The purpose of the events is to give local businesses a clear overview of the potential opportunities and support available that could come from being part of the supply chain for the proposed Navitus Bay wind park. The growth of offshore wind in Europe represents a huge opportunity for businesses. Potential opportunities exist at local level and also at a national level, as the UK strives to meet stringent renewable energy targets by investing in offshore wind projects.

 “The industry has seen the hugely positive impacts of working with local business through similar projects in the south, like the Kentish Flats offshore wind farm, which is eight miles away from Whitstable in Kent and Thanet Offshore Wind Farm. We look forward to meeting businesses in the area and sharing our experience with them.”

 Nicholas Kirsop Taylor from RegenSW comments:

 “These supply chain events are a great opportunity to inform local businesses of the opportunities available to them during the construction and operation of an offshore wind farm, such as Navitus Bay, as well as wider supply chain opportunities in this sector. The marine sector is currently thriving in the region so we believe the events will be very useful to businesses in this sector who wish to get involved in the project. It will also help us to understand the skills and capabilities of companies in Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and how they can support the development of the proposed Navitus Bay Wind Park.”


Offshore WIND staff, June 20, 2012; Image: navitusbay