Sweden: Vattenfall to Invest EUR 4.2 Billion in Offshore Wind Projects

Business & Finance

Sweden: Vattenfall to Invest EUR 4.2 Billion in Offshore Wind Projects

Vattenfall will invest a quarter of its planned EUR 16.6 billion into European offshore wind projects through the 2012-2016 period.

Probably, the most of the EUR 4.2 billion amount will be invested in offshore wind sector in Germany and the UK, the Windpower Monthly news site informs.

While waiting for the DanTysk offshore wind station’s completion, the company is looking to proceed with the Sandbank wind station’s development. Also, it is working on the UK Round 3 East Anglia offshore wind zone along with Scottish Power Renewables.

Vattenfall’s Ormonde offshore wind farm will be officially inaugurated this autumn, as it has recently become operational. Besides that, Vattenfall manages Lilligrund in Sweden, UK’s Thanet and Danish Horns Rev wind farms with Dong Energy.


Offshore WIND staff, June 21, 2012; Image: Vattenfall