UK: P&O Eyes New Offshore Wind Opportunities

Business & Finance

UK: P&O Eyes New Offshore Wind Opportunities

The Dover-based ferry operator P&O says that the Round 3 offshore wind farms in the North Sea could bring an opportunity for the company to expand its fleet, as it now has one vessel offering technical support for the Lynn and Inner Dowsing wind farms.

The current vessel, which operates out of Immingham, has been converted into a technical support vessel, but at first it was meant to carry accompanied freight, This is Grimsby news site informs.

“We recognise that the Humber is well-placed for offshore wind and Immingham has got fantastic facilities. Our initial aim is to convert vessels as this as a much quicker and cheaper route to market, but we may look at building new vessels in the future,” said Stephen Weaver, P&O’s new business planning and analysis manager.


Offshore WIND staff, June 22, 2012; Image: P&O Ferries