BWE to Hold Lectures at HUSUM WindEnergy, Germany

BWE to Hold Lectures at HUSUM WindEnergy, Germany

In a few weeks, the wind sector’s largest international trade show opens its doors in Husum, Germany. From September 18-22, some 1,200 exhibitors will be on hand at the Husum Fairgrounds. An estimated 36,000 visitors are expected to have a look at the latest technological developments, products, and services. 

This year, the trade show is taking place under the aegis of EU Commissioners Günther Oettinger (Energy) and Connie Hedegaard (Climate).

The Husum area itself also offers visitors an impressive display of various turbine types from a wide range of manufacturers. The tradeshow’s homepage includes an interactive map indicating turbine type and size in a number of locations near the venue.

Visitors from around the world can view 1,393 turbines within 60 kilometers of the tradeshow. HUSUM WindEnergy also includes the “Develop the future” conference and the Windcareer job exchange. Some 450,000 euros was invested in infrastructure, including a new access road, 1,000 additional parking spaces, a multifunctional logistics hall, and a radio tower for the Fairgrounds.

For the Bundesverband WindEnergie (BWE), its members, and employees, the tradeshow is an indispensable venue for networking, presenting the work that the BWE does and for in-house events. Because all executives and experts from the wind sector meet here, a number of committees and BWE forums also hold meetings in Husum.

Lectures will be held at the BWE booth on the latest topics within the sector. This year, the topics include direct marketing, community ownership, and management of power sold to the grid.

At the BWE’s stand, competent staff members will be on hand to talk to visitors about their questions and ideas


Offshore WIND staff, August 1, 2012; Image: BWE