Eco Wave Power Step Closer to Commercial Scale Power Plant

Eco Wave Power Step Closer to Commercial Scale Power Plant

Having designed, manufactured and tested a mid-scale model of wave energy generating unit, Eco Wave Power has successfully proven the concept of producing cheaper electricity from the ocean waves energy.

Based on a number of their patented inventions, like “Power Wing” and the “Wave Clapper”, their electricity generation unit can transform ocean wave energy into electric current more effectively than competitors’ units.

Amongst many advantages of system its durability truly stands out – it employs three different storm protection mechanisms, corrosion protection, shock-wave protection mechanism and a very effective energy control system. The medium-scale power station was tested on 2 different breakwaters, which emphasized the compatibility of the ocean wave energy station to different ocean structures. By now, it has successfully withstood two major storms.

Earlier this year, Eco Wave Power received a European Frost & Sullivan Award for New Product Innovation (for developing and implementing a complete solution for effective harvesting ocean waves’ energy). Since Eco Wave Power wave energy company targets to efficiently produce energy at a very affordable price level, such renewable energy generation instantly became an object of interest for many ports worldwide.


Offshore WIND staff, August 30, 2012; Image: ecowavepower