Denmark: Poseidon Commences Test Phase 3


Denmark: Poseidon Commences Test Phase 3

On the early morning on September 5th 2012, Poseidon P37 was craned out back into sea to commence test phase 3. Poseidon will, once towed into position at the test site of Onsevig Harbor, at the north coast of Lolland, represent nothing less than a world premiere. For the first time ever, a hybrid energy device will deliver power to the grid from wind and waves.

Test Phase 1, conducted 2008/09, had the purpose to document platform stability including the impact of the moving wave absorption floaters on overall platform stability. The test was successful and  DTU/Risoe and DHI “green lighted” the installation of wind turbines on the platform.

Test Phase 2, conducted 2009/10, had the purpose to document power to the grid from wind turbines on the floating structure and to document the efficiency of the wave energy absorption floaters expressed  as hydrodynamic efficiency to provide background data for the engineering of the final Power Take Off system (PTO)

Test Phase 3, started September 2012 has the purpose to jointly produce power to the grid – from the wind turbines and wave absorption floaters. The wave absorption floaters are equipped with a new PTO system designed in cooperation with Siemens Industry, Fritz Schur Energy, Contech and others.

The PTO system is a closed hydraulic system, where each floater will be an independent energy producing unit. Each float and adjacent PTO system will operate at power levels enabling the use of standard  power generation components and each “unit” will be detachable from the platform to allow easy towing and in-harbor service.

During September, the platform will be re-equipped with wind turbines and the new power module installed. Everything is tested while Poseidon is still in the harbor – one of the beauties of the concept. Once all components and control systems are tested, Poseidon is towed back to its original position at sea at the Onsevig test site in early October to enjoy the Danish autumn storms.


Press release, September 14, 2012; Image: floatingpowerplant