Aegir Redeploys Wave Measurement Buoy West of St. Ninian’s Isle, UK


Aegir Redeploys Wave Measurement Buoy West of St. Ninian’s Isle, UK

Aegir Wave Power has recently redeployed a waverider buoy off the coast of Shetland. The buoy enables Aegir to measure the wave climate at the site of interest and inform decisions on the wave farm design.

The NAFC Marine Centre will be maintaining the buoy while it is onsite, and monitoring its position and measurements using real time data transmitted back to a shore receiver station.

Floating on the surface, the buoy is yellow, 0.7m in diameter and fitted with a yellow flashing light. The buoy is 4km off the coast of St. Ninian’s Isle, southwest Shetland, on co-ordinates: 59 58.560N, 01 26.500W (WGS 84 datum).

The buoy is moored by a slack line with underwater floats which allows the buoy to move around a 200m radius. Mariners are asked to keep a distance from the buoy.

The buoy will remain onsite for between 1-3 years, and will be brought in from time to time for maintenance.


Press release, October 12, 2012; Image: pelamiswave