A2SEA Appoints New Regional Manager of Germany

Business & Finance

A2SEA Appoints New Regional Manager of Germany

Following the CSO change in A2SEA, the company has appointed Sascha Wiesner as new Country Manager of Germany, to replace Martin Huss, who has just taken over the position as new CSO of A2SEA.

Sascha Wiesner comes from a position as Offshore Sales Manager Europe for Samsung Heavy Industries, where he among others has held the responsibility for sales and marketing of offshore structures. Likewise he has been employed in REpower where he was responsible for key accounts and sales coordination on- and offshore.

Martin Huss will remain Managing Director of the subsidiary A2SEA Deutschland GmbH, which will be responsible for both Germany and the Benelux Countries.

New Office

On 25 October, A2SEA will open new office facilities in northern Hamburg closer to the company’s customers, the airport and major roads.


Press release, October 17, 2012; Image: A2SEA