Offshore Energy 2012: Liebherr Sees Further Growth in Wind Market

Offshore Energy 2012: Liebherr Sees Further Growth in Wind Market

Business & Finance

Offshore Energy 2012: Liebherr Sees Further Growth in Wind Market

Offshore WIND interviewed Iwan Scholte, Sales Manager from Liebherr, at this year’s Offshore Energy Conference and Exhibition in the Netherlands.

Regarding the company’s development plans for the offshore sector, Mr. Scholte said that they have built a new offshore crane, which is available for the market this year. The company will hold a Customer Day in Rostock in January, bringing clients from Europe on the first day, and on the second day the rest of the world, to a crane exhibition, highlighting the new 300 tons knuckle boom crane with active heave compensation.

When asked about the latest achievements, Mr. Scholte explained that Liebherr’s business has experienced growth in the last couple of years and that the same is predicted for the coming years. Harbour and offshore cranes are to greatly contribute to the company’s growth, as their manufacturing is expected to increase.

Offshore Energy 2012: Liebherr Sees Further Growth in Wind Market

Liebherr saw a great success in offshore wind market this year, with its CAL 64000-1500 Litronic® heavy lift offshore crane. This special crane saves deck space and is installed on “Innovation”, the offshore wind installation vessel. All of the components for such cranes are produced by Liebherr factories.

With regard to the predictions for offshore wind market, Iwan Scholte sees good opportunity and further expansion in the sector, with confidence in being crane supplier for future installation vessels.

Even though U.S. offshore wind market is still in its infancy phase, Offshore WIND was curious about Liebherr’s aspirations of becoming a competitive player there. Being globally present, with subsidiaries and production sites in the U.S. as well, the company sees itself as an installation crane supplier for that market, too.


Offshore WIND Staff, October 23, 2012