UK: All-Energy 2013 Shapes Up Well

UK: All-Energy 2013 Shapes Up Well

With confirmed bookings and space reservations already taking up as much space as the entire 2012 show in the annual All-Energy series, the latest iteration of the UK’s largest renewable energy exhibition and conference, organised by Reed Exhibitions, and taking place in six months’ time, is shaping up well.

All-Energy 2013 will be held Wednesday 22- Thursday 23 May at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC) in Aberdeen, Scotland and certainly promises to be the largest yet in the 13-show history.

“We know that the industry is poised ready to react to next week’s publication of the Energy Bill, but are delighted by the strength of commitment to All-Energy,” says Jonathan Heastie, Exhibition Director, Renewables & Alternative Energy Global Group “Our bookings and reservations come from 17 countries, and we are certainly ahead of where we were in terms of sales at this time last year for All-Energy 2012. Indeed we are getting to the stage where we are urging potential exhibitors to book their space fast as every day brings more and more sales and more people taking options on space – indeed this month has seen more than 1,200m2 reserved. Prime positions are selling like those proverbial ‘hot cakes’.”

All-Energy covers the entire gamut of the sectors that make up the renewables industry. “It’s no wonder the show has been described as ‘the AGM of the industry’,” says Jonathan Heastie. “Some fascinating statistics emerge from All-Energy 2012, at which we had some 580 exhibitors from 19 countries and total attendance of 8,322 from 49 countries.  The facts and figures make interesting reading – some we gathered thanks to our newly introduced ‘sector trails’ to help visitors pre-plan their route around the exhibition (or do so when they arrived) and helped to ensure that exhibitors got footfall that was relevant to their exhibits.

457 of the 580 exhibiting companies joined the eleven trails –
•       Wave and tidal – 219 exhibiting companies
•       Onshore wind – 209 exhibiting companies
•       Offshore maintenance – 170 exhibiting companies
•       Offshore wind – 60 exhibiting companies

“Then we can look at the level of interest from visitors and see just how much the ‘all under one roof’ nature of All-Energy appeals to them,” adds Jonathan Heastie. “It’s certainly where busy people come to do business, to buy and sell, and to network.”
•       40% of attendees were interested in offshore wind; and 18% in operating and maintaining offshore wind farms
•       36% were interested in small onshore wind (up to 500kW)
•       34% were interested in large onshore wind
•       34% were interested in wave and tidal

Both exhibitors on the trails and visitors expressing their interests could select more than one category.


Press release, November 23, 2012; Image: All-Energy