UK: Port of Sunderland Takes Advantage of Offshore Wind Development

Business & Finance

UK: Port of Sunderland Takes Advantage of Offshore Wind Development

The offshore wind development is taking firmer hold in the UK and as a result the Port of Sunderland has grabbed a peace of its own from this renewable energy pie.

Namely, the Port of Sunderland’s business rose last month comparing to the same month in 2011 due to the increased offshore wind development in the area, Sunderland Echo reports.

Some of the largest wind turbine installation vessels docked in Sunderland like MPI Adventure and MPI Discovery.

Director Matthew Hunt said: “Last year was exceptional for us in a number of ways. We moved into the second quarter of 2012 having seen an 84 per cent increase in the number of vessels using the port and we are seeing more and more evidence that the work we have done to position Sunderland as a prime location for firms in the offshore renewable energy and subsea engineering fields, is working.“

“All the signs are there that Port of Sunderland is growing its reputation as a location of choice for all kinds of vessels, requiring a range of services, so we have entered 2013 on a really optimistic note after a great December.” 


Offshore WIND Staff, January 25, 2013; Image: Port of Sunderland