E.ON Eyes Norway, Sweden for Large Wind Energy Projects

E.ON Eyes Norway, Sweden for Large Wind Energy Projects

Norway and Sweden seem to be good places for E.ON’s wind energy plans, as the company intends to develop onshore and offshore wind farms with the capacity to generate hundreds of megawatts of electricity.

In Norway, the company has proposals for nine onshore farms with a total capacity of 1,500 MW, while it also plans to build one of the world’s biggest offshore wind farms in Sweden which would have a 700 MW capacity.

“Sweden has great offshore potential, competitive with Germany and the U.K., but first new physical cables are needed and it’ll likely be the back end of this decade before we can harness the potential,” Bloomberg cites E.ON’s Mark Porter as saying.

These two countries provide more financiallyfeasible fields, as the costs for developers are lower than in other European countries, Mr. Porter explained.

Offshore WIND Staff, February 12, 2013