Wave Hub Energy Project Lamentable, Cornwall Politician Says (UK)


Wave Hub Energy Project Lamentable, Cornwall Politician Says (UK)

A politician from Cornwall, Rob Simmons, wrote to Vince Cable, UK Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, saying that the Wave Hub energy project is “lamentable”, the BBC informs.

Mr. Simmons told Secretary Cable that Wave Hub could help with employment in the Hayle area, but has now stalled.

However, Wave HubLimitedsaid that further developments are expected. Namely, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) recently approved an application from OceanEnergy Ltd to deploy and test an OEB35 OceanEnergy buoy WEC for a period of up to three years. The energy buoy will be anchored and connected to the Wave Hub, 16 kilometres off the north coast of Cornwall and is capable of generating up to 1 megawatt of electricity.

“We are also looking to diversify use of the site by applying for consent to install a single floating offshore wind demonstrator,” the BBC cites a response from Wave Hub.

The company added that the offshore wind industry is more advanced than the nascent wave energy sector, which would provide further opportunities for Cornwall.


Offshore WIND Staff, February 20, 2013; Image: Wave Hub