ABPmer to Conduct Potential Environmental Impact of Renewables Development in Alderney (UK)


ABPmer, a leading UK marine environmental consultancy, has been appointed by Alderney Commission for Renewable Energy to prepare a broad-scale regional assessment of the potential environmental impact of possible future renewable energy development in Alderney. This is largely focused on tidal stream development within Alderney’s territorial waters.

The study will provide a baseline description of Alderney’s environment and assess the potential effects arising from possible renewable energy development including the cumulative effects of other development. Relevant mitigation and monitoring requirements will also be identified.

Dr Stephen Hull, ABPmer Technical Director, said: “We are excited to be undertaking this piece of work for the Commission. The assessment will also inform and provide the context for the consideration of any project specific Environmental Impact Assessments that will be undertaken by individual project developers. The study will help the Commission to ensure that renewable energy development is taken forward in a way that respects Alderney’s natural environment and is compatible with existing human activities.”

ABPmer is a recognised specialist in both regional and Strategic Environmental Assessments having undertaken broad-scale assessments in the marine environment for a range of sectors, including offshore wind, wave and tidal power, coastal flood risk and management, marine aggregates and ports.


Press release, March 04, 2013