USA: DOE to Fund Two Wave Energy Projects



On Tuesday, April 9, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Water Power Program notified potential future applicants of an upcoming Funding Opportunity Announcement tentatively titled, “Marine and Hydrokinetic (Wave) Testing Infrastructure Development.”

DOE intends to fund two university- or national laboratory-led projects that will conduct preliminary engineering designs and select a potential site for an open water, fully energetic testing facility for wave energy technologies.

The goal of this opportunity is to identify a site location and a recommended construct for a national wave test facility within United States (U.S.) territorial waters. The proposed facility can be new construction or involve the design and modification of an existing facility. Infrastructure available for transporting, handling, installing, and servicing components and equipment, as well as proximity to a grid connection, should be factors in site selection.


Press release, April 10, 2013