UK: All-Energy 2013 Getting Closer

UK All-Energy 2013 Getting Closer.

There’s one place, and only place, to be on Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 May … All-Energy 2013 at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC).

There’s a very special buzz at the UK’s largest renewable energy exhibition and conference. It’s the sound and sense of business being done, contacts being made. It’s exciting, it’s stimulating, and above all it leads to ever more profitable and rewarding relationships being cemented. Last year, 8,322 people from 49 countries benefited from that buzz. If you have a business/professional interest in renewable/sustainable energy and in business energy efficiency, now’s the time to register free of charge to attend the major exhibition, world-class conference, and Giant Networking Evening. With six weeks to go before All-Energy 2013 opens over 3,000 have already registered to attend.

All-Energy is where all the renewable energy sectors come together, where all renewables come under the conference spotlight (in over 87 hours of conference deliberations and discussion), and are represented in the major exhibition – 580 exhibitors from 19 countries took part last year, and at over 8,000m2 this year’s exhibition is even larger.

 “Each year, All-Energy provides an unparalleled opportunity to see the latest cutting edge solutions, hear about policy and technology developments, source new partners and suppliers, participate in networking events – especially our incomparable Giant Networking Evening, and keep up-to-date with developments within this rapidly evolving, and increasingly important, global sector,” explains Jonathan Heastie, Exhibition Director, Global Group Renewables and Alternative Energy of Reed Exhibitions Ltd.

The exhibition features a dozen sector-specific visitor trails to help lead visitors where they need to be, to the exhibits and individuals of most importance to their business interests (and ensure that exhibitors see people really interested in what they bring to the table). Within the exhibition there are three show-floor seminar areas sponsored by ABB – Business Energy Efficiency, Offshore Wind Innovation, and Wave and Tidal; three dedicated show zones – Business Energy Efficiency; Low Carbon Transport, and Jobs ; and The Energy Hub sponsored by The Crown Estate is a newly introduced business lounge where you can hold meetings.

 Flying ministerial start for conference

The two day conference gets off to a flying start with keynote addresses by Rt Hon Edward Davey MP, Secretary of State, DECC, and Fergus Ewing MSP, Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism, Scottish Government who, with the Lord Provost of the City of Aberdeen, Lady Susan Rice CBE, Managing Director, Lloyds Banking Group Scotland; Huub den Rooijen, Head of Offshore Wind Energy, The Crown Estate; and Benj Sykes, UK Country Manager, Wind Power, DONG Energy are taking part in the opening plenary conference session.

 “The conference programme encompasses all renewable/sustainable energy sectors and business energy efficiency, and also looks at the challenges and opportunities facing the industry” explains Project Director, Judith Patten. “We have a packed two days with ten parallel sessions taking place on Day 1 and nine on Day 2.

“Our Day 2 plenary session chaired by a former Energy Minister, Rt Hon Brian Wilson will look at “The Future of Energy” and feature Bert De Colvenaer, Executive Director of the Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking; Colin Imrie, Head of the Scottish Government’s Energy and International Low Carbon Division; Angus McCrone, Chief Editor, Bloomberg New Energy Finance; and Lawrence Slade, Chief Operating Officer, Energy UK.

 “Our speakers read like a ‘who’s who’ of the renewable energy industry and we know there will be lively discussion in many of the sessions. We have introduced two special lunch-time sessions. The first, on 22 May, features Professor Sir Jim McDonald, Principal and Vice Chancellor, Strathclyde University, Chairman of the Scottish Energy Technology Partnership, and co-chair (with the First Minister) of the Energy Advisory Board in Scotland; and the second, Jonathan Brearley, Director for Electricity Market Reform, DECC and panellists who will provide an EMR update, debate the issues and answer your questions.”

There are seven sessions (sponsored by The Crown Estate) devoted to offshore wind; seven sessions devoted to wave and tidal; sessions aimed at those involved with community renewables (indeed a whole room is devoted to them and sponsored by Endurance Wind Power on Wednesday 22 May); sessions on onshore wind; on all forms of bioenergy; on hydropower; geothermal; nuclear power, carbon capture and storage; energy efficiency; onsite and microgeneration; hydrogen and fuel cells (a theme that runs throughout the two days thanks to the H2FC (Hydrogen and Fuel Cells) Supergen conference being held at All-Energy, and additional sessions on H2FC, energy storage, the Aberdeen Hydrogen Project, and sustainable transport) …… and much, much more, including a now-traditional session for the farming community; sessions on grid and smart cities; export opportunities, finance and funding (with the UK Green Investment Bank coming under the conference spotlight). Time spent poring over the conference programme will be time well spent to help determine which sessions to attend.

 Networking is key

All-Energy would be incomplete without its Giant Networking Evening, which sees over a thousand people gather to mix and mingle with old friends and make new contacts. There are ice-breaking activities to make the evening go with a swing, bowl food is available, and there is a cash bar. The evening is free to attend for all visitors and exhibitors.

 Associated events

The largest programme of associated events ever will take place at All-Energy, with many being held on 21 May, the day before All-Energy opens. These include the first day of the H2FC (Hydrogen and Fuel Cells) Supergen conference; the IMarEST Metocean Awareness Taster Session; Numerical Simulation of Renewable Energy, organised by NAFEMS; Remote (satellite and ground based) Sensing and Marine Renewables, organised by NERC/NOC and the Energy Generation & Supply KTN; and RenewableUK’s Strengthening the marine energy value chain – strategic technology challenges.

RenewableUK will hold its popular RenewableUK Connect networking event on the evening of Tuesday 21 May in central Aberdeen; and on Wednesday 22 May Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce will hold their traditional All-Energy Business Breakfast.


“There really is nothing like All-Energy, it is incomparable,” says Jonathan Heastie. “To have the exhibition, conference and Giant Networking Evening all under one very large roof; the exceptional quality of the component parts; and for the two days to be free of charge to all with a business/ professional interest in renewable and sustainable energy, and energy efficiency ensures that it maintains its long-held reputation as ‘the AGM of the renewables world’. We look forward to seeing you there!”


Press release, April 12, 2013; Image: all-energy