Denmark: Planning Process for Krieger’s Flak Offshore Wind Farm Starts

Danish Nature Agency and Danish Energy Agency have initiated an environmental impact assessment (EIA) process for the 600 MW Krieger’s Flak offshore wind farm, for which has issued an invitation to public meetings in May.
Land owners, municipalities, associations and others who will be affected by the upcoming Krieger’s Flak offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea and associated facilities on land have received a pamphlet from Danish Nature Agency and the Danish Energy Agency.
The pamphlet marks the beginning of the first round of public consultations of the EIA process. The public has time until June 3 to come up with ideas for the topics and issues to be examined in further planning of both offshore as onshore installations. In this context, invites for public meetings in Ishøj on 15th May and in Stevns on 16th May. will build the plant that will transport the power from wind farms into the Danish power grid, including shore-based installations and has also been tasked to carry out feasibility studies and prepare an EIA for the project. will hold two public meetings in this, so called concept phase, in order to give the citizens and other stakeholders an opportunity to hear more about the project and ask questions to the DEA, which will allow the construction at sea; to the Nature Agency, which must authorize the construction on land, and to, which is responsible for studies and EIA work for wind farms, submarine cable, land cables, stations and other facilities on land. expects to go ahead with setting up the offshore wind farm in the summer of 2015. First power from the wind farm is scheduled for the summer of 2018.
Offshore WIND Staff, May 7, 2013; Image: