UMBO Looking for Offshore Wind Farm Monitoring Services (Germany)

UMBO GmbH i. G. has issued an invitation for tenders regarding qualification system for the purpose of conducting environmental monitorings for offshore windfarms in Germany.
Prerequisite for the awarding of contracts is pre-qualification in compliance with the qualification system (Connexio) described here. On the basis of this pre-qualification, suitable suppliers of the following services: CPV code 71300000 – Engineering Services & 90710000 – Environmental Management can be identified and after additional qualifications have been checked, are requested to submit a tender.
In order for pre-qualified bidders to be eligible to continue to stage two of the qualification system, potential bidders must complete the pre-qualification (Stage 1) via Connexio. If pre-qualification (Stage 1) is not completed, then the company will not be considered for the order/orders based on this qualification system. The successful bidder must ensure that their pre-qualification with Connexio in the relevant supplier category remains valid for the entire term of the contract.
The qualification system is based on the online supplier information system Connexio which is operated by Achilles Information GmbH on behalf of utilities (energy and water) in Western, Eastern and Central Europe. During the pre-qualification process via Connexio (Stage 1), potential or current suppliers of utility companies provide the utility companies connected to the system with information about their business operations by filling in, saving and submitting an online supplier questionnaire (supplier self-disclosure), as well as furnishing them with all requisite documents and certificates.
Achilles verifies the data provided by the suppliers for completeness, consistency and compliance with the requirements using a formal programme routine, as well as sometimes checking correctness of content (Prequalification Stage 1).
Offshore WIND Staff, May 31, 2013; Image: Alpha Ventus