Belgium: Elia Seeks Contractor for OHVS Design and Construction

Business & Finance

Belgium: Elia Seeks Contractor for OHVS Design and Construction

Elia Asset NV is looking for a contractor which will design and construct an offshore high voltage substation (Beta OHVS) for the project “Belgian Offshore Grid” (BOG).

The OHVS will be situated in front of the Belgian coastline, and located within the windfarm, 25 kms offshore with averages depths between 20m and 30m. The contract is for the design, engineering, supply, construction, installation and commissioning of an offshore high voltage substation with jacket substructure and top structure. For all infrastructures operations, maintenance and repair will also be included.

Rough estimates of dimensions: substructure 1,350 tons, topside 2,300 tons. Topside with 3 levels, surface area 30m x 30m. Connection with submarine power cables: towards shore, towards Alpha and towards the wind farms.

Deadline for requests for documents is June 17, 2013.


Offshore WIND Staff, June 7, 2013; Image:Elia