VIDEO: Loadout of TPs for East Anglia OWF

VIDEO: Loadout of TPs for East Anglia OWF

The following is a video that shows Transitions Pieces (TPs) and Platforms being loaded at Steel Engineering Ltd Westway Dock on Saturday, 22nd June 2013. This marks the beginning of their journey to the East Anglia Offshore wind zone.

Last year, ScottishPower Renewables and Vattenfall awarded contracts worth over £17m for the fabrication, installation and operation of two weather monitoring stations for the 7200MW East Anglia offshore Wind zone off the Norfolk and Suffolk coast. The contracts have been awarded to Aberdeen based Wood Group, with Steel Engineering of Renfrewshire being awarded the key manufacturing subcontract.

The offshore weather monitoring stations will provide essential data for an area bigger than Norfolk and inform key technical and engineering decisions for the wind farm.


Offshore WIND Staff, June 26, 2013