Oldbaum Advises Indian Government on Offshore Wind Energy Potential

Oldbaum Advises Indian Government on Offshore Wind Energy Potential


Oldbaum Advises Indian Government on Offshore Wind Energy Potential

The Indian Government’s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy have today published a report written by Oldbaum Services detailing the huge potential for offshore wind energy in the country.

Offshore Wind Potential Tamil Nadu was written by Oldbaum’s Technical Director Andy Oldroyd and Poushali Maji, Technical Lead in Mumbai. Its publication is a significant step for Oldbaum as it is hoped the 8,000-word document will help further India’s knowledge of the wind industry and give a comprehensive understanding of all that could be achieved in the country.

Commenting on the release of the report, Andy Oldroyd said: “The Indian Government has a vast requirement of wind energy. The purpose of this document is to address a process and ways of opening-up and widening the energy industry there.”

Following a 2011 presentation given by Andy to the Indian Government focusing on Offshore Wind, Oldbaum were invited to carry out the preliminary offshore wind resource assessments. The Centre for Wind Energy Technology in Chennai approached the company, to help map out the offshore wind potential off the coast of Tamil Nadu. CWET is the primary body in India dedicated to wind power development, and their backing can be seen only as a sign of confidence in Oldbaum Services.

“This report recognises the expertise Oldbaum Services has as a company in the offshore wind sector as the client CWET is the primary body in India dedicated to wind power development,” Poushali Maji commented.

CWET’s Executive Director Dr Gomathinayagam said: “As part of CWET and MNRE’s ongoing collaboration with the Scottish Government to promote and exchange knowledge in Renewable Energies, Oldbaum Services undertook a study of offshore wind resource for Tamil Nadu. As part of this work a route to deployment of offshore wind technologies was presented. The report written clearly shows the work to be done and provides a clear route to developing an offshore wind project in India.”

“We look forward to continuing our relationship with the Scottish Government, building on Oldbaum’s work to deliver offshore wind in India,” Dr Gomathinayagam added.

The significance of the report’s focus on Tamil Nadu is acute as this is where 40% of India’s onshore windfarms are currently situated. Offshore Wind Potential Tamil Nadu‘s analysis totals a 10-year period and communicates an evaluation of existing wind data in the proposed zone, a wind measurement campaign proposal for the area and an outline of a route map towards offshore wind power development. Oldbaum offer their expertise on wind data and highlight that a number of requirements need to be met prior to building a successful development offshore.

Poushali said: “This document outlines a development strategy for the offshore wind energy sector in India which currently does not exist in this country. With a 7500-km coastline and increasing energy demand, India has huge potential and they need to work towards the development of this sector. This report is a step in the right direction.”

Technical Director Andy Oldroyd proclaimed: “Offshore wind in India is a new area with a growing need for energy and is a complex and complicated business. That’s why it’s important to understand the infrastructure and supply chain in place in India, and lessons learned in Europe, so that they can deliver offshore wind at as low a cost of energy level as possible.”

He added: “The method presented (in the report) is designed to help fully understand cost of delivery of offshore wind in an entirely new market – offshore wind in India.”

Rooma Bussi, Country Manager for Scottish Development International India commented: “Scotland has an exceptional renewable energy resource with an estimated quarter of Europe’s potential offshore wind capacity, making it well placed to become a global centre for the offshore wind industry. The Scottish Government’s efforts to develop and promote infrastructure, skills, innovation and technology in this sector is giving Scotland an unparalleled comparative advantage in the development if this sector.”

She continued: The strategic work being carried out by Oldbaum Services with CWET and MNRE, is an excellent example of how keen Scottish companies are to work with Indian businesses to develop and take the renewable energy industry forward in India.”

“Today’s announcement reinforces the Scottish Government and Scottish Development International’s continued commitment to support the sector in India as part of our strategic engagement with MNRE and the renewable energy industry.”

Offshore Wind Potential Tamil Nadu, India was officially released and distributed in Delhi at the National Consultation on Development of Offshore Wind Energy in India. The Government of India will also publish the report to all interested stakeholders.


Press release, August 14, 2013; Image: Oldbaum