UK: Green Companies Welcome Isle of Man OW Plans

Green Companies Welcome Isle of Man OW Plans

Green companies have welcomed the Isle of Man government’s offshore wind plans, writes Isle of Man Today.

Namely, the Government recently announced plans for development of offshore wind farms in the Isle of Man’s territorial seas.

Minister for Economic Development John Shimmin commented this announcement by saying: ”Locating wind turbines in our territorial sea will potentially generate millions of pounds worth of revenue per year for the Isle of Man Government.“

This was welcomed by Friends of the Earth island secretary Cat Turner. She thinks that offshore wind turbines are a good thing as long as they don’t “damage the seabed, the environment or disrupt shipping patterns.“

”They generate clean energy and therefore cut carbon emissions. The financial revenues they could generate are a good thing for the island but that shouldn’t be the only thing that matters.“

Besides financial revenues, wind farms would create jobs. Just one offshore wind farm would create around 60 jobs as it requires onshore facilities to meet the operation and maintenance needs of the turbines.


Offshore WIND staff, October 7, 2013; Image: dongenergy