Ramboll to Carry Out EIA for Three Nearshore Wind Farms in Denmark

Ramboll was recently awarded a major contract to carry out the Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) for three near-shore wind farms in Danish waters for the Danish energy grid owner, Energinet.dk.
The project covers the EIA for both the offshore wind farms as well as the onshore connection to the national grid. “Ramboll’s experts have significant experience with both onshore and offshore EIAs. We are joining forces from across several sectors to create a strong project team for this particular project” explains Mikkel Benthien Kristensen, Department Director for Environment, Ramboll Oil & Gas, which is heading the project. Although the unit is specilised in oil and gas, its offshore expertise is equally applicable to sustainable energy projects offshore.
Two sub-consultants – DHI and PlanEnergi – are also part of the project which is expected to be completed in the course of 2015.
The Danish master plan for renewables includes offshore energy production
Danish energy policy is guided by ambitious goals to reduce dependency on finite energy sources and increase energy production by renewables (wind, hydro, solar etc.). And part of this package includes the further development of offshore wind energy production. Six near-shore wind farm areas have been identified, namely Bornholm, Sejerø Bugt, Smålandsfarvandet, Sæby, Vesterhav Syd, and Vesterhav Nord. The proposed near-shore wind farms will play a significant role in the government’s plans for reducing CO2 emissions in Denmark. Ramboll has been awarded the combined EIA contract for the areas Smålandsfarvandet, Sejerø Bugt, and Sæby.
A track record within offshore wind farm EIAs
“When we won the Anholt Offshore Wind Farm EIA in 2009 and Mejl Flak offshore wind farm EIA in 2011 it was our ambition to position Ramboll for larger projects within wind farm EIAs. With this new contract we have succeeded in fulfilling this ambition and have taken a large step into this very exciting market” adds Mikkel Benthien Kristensen.
Energy for 72,000 households
The total capacity of the six new wind farms will be 450 MW, equivalent to the energy consumption of approximately 72,000 households.
Press release, October 28, 2013; Image: ramboll