Red7Marine Installs Export Cable at Wave Energy Test Site (Spain)

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Red7Marine Installs Export Cable at Wave Energy Test Site (Spain)

Red7Marine Offshore Ltd has announced the successful completion of export cable installation for the Biscay Marine Energy Platform in Spain. The scope of work included route clearance, cable laying, burial, shore‐end landings and testing of 4 power export circuits for this wave energy test site.

A total of 18km of cable was installed by Red7Marine’s DPII vessel, the DP Reel which was equipped with an ROV and the SeaVex cable burial tool for the project.

In July and August of this year Red7Marine Offshore completed cable protection works on the Paimpol‐Brehat tidal energy converter Project in Brittany. The scope of work included the installation of more than 120 concrete mattresses, grout bags and cable re‐alignment operations. The project was successfully completed on schedule by the DP Reel using a combination of air diving and ROV intervention, in challenging tidal conditions.

Earlier in the year the DP Reel performed route clearance and boulder removal on the Humber Offshore Wind Farm for E.ON. The scope of work was performed using subsea sonar imaging equipment and subsea grab to progress the scope efficiently, with an ROV available for additional surveys as required.

Red7Marine’s subsea cable expertise continues to develop with the unrivalled success of the company’s SeaVex Controlled/Mass Flow Excavation tool launched in 2012. Recently SeaVex has performed de‐burial and post trenching works on energy and communications cables for the DolWin I platform, off the coast of Germany. The scope of works involved numerous multi‐beam survey tasks alongside the de‐burial and burial of HVDC and Fibre Optic cables. Other recent SeaVex projects include post trenching operations at Gunfleet and the successful trenching of an energised power cable at Walney. Red7Marine will be developing the SeaVex range of tools in 2014 to accommodate the numerous projects being tendered across the North Sea, Europe, Africa and Asia. The successes of SeaVex working on oil and gas projects will result in expansion of the Aberdeen base.


Press release, November 18, 2013; Image: Red7Marine