GICON ®-SOF Patent Now Available in U.S.


GICON ®-SOF Patent Now Available in U.S.

On January 7, the United States Patent and Trademark Office granted a patent for the GICON ®-SOF (Floating Offshore Foundation). Thus, the GICON ®-SOF ensured patent protection as an invention in the United States as well.

The patent grant certificate entitled “Floating foundation supporting framework with buoyancy components, having an open-relief design” will actively protect the invention until July 7, 2017. The maximum protection period expires on January 8, 2029.

The device was recently tested in Berlin, where it proved that it can be towed at a wave height of 11.5 feet (3.5m) and speeds of up to 7 knots. The GICON® SOF Floating Offshore Foundation is designed to contribute to a more cost-effective offshore wind industry and can be deployed in both shallow and deep waters (up to 1640 ft. /500m).

Offshore WIND Staff, February 4, 2014