Forewind Cuts Dogger Bank Zone Offshore Wind Plans

Wind Farm Update

Forewind has reduced the total capacity of wind energy projects in the Dogger Bank Zone from 9 GW to 7.2 GW. Forewind Cuts Dogger Bank Zone Offshore Wind Plans

The revision of the current development potential has been made in agreement with The Crown Estate, following more than four years of offshore and onshore surveys and assessments, which have concluded that the organisation’s focus should be on those projects which are most likely to achieve a positive financial investment decision at this time.

Forewind has been exploring the potential for up to eight offshore wind energy projects. This announcement revises this to six 1.2 GW projects, which still offers the potential to more than double the UK’s current offshore wind operating capacity. The revised capacity better aligns plans for the Zone with the UK government’s aspirations for offshore wind deployment given its current target of between 8 and 15 GW of energy projects by 2020.

Forewind’s General Manager, Lee Clarke said that the company still has 7.2 GW of capacity planned which is a massive undertaking, even without the final two proposed projects.

“Dogger Bank Creyke Beck, comprising two 1.2 GW projects, is about to enter the examination phase with the Planning Inspectorate and the application for Dogger Bank Teesside A&B, a further two 1.2 GW projects, is on track to be submitted by the spring,” he said. The application for Dogger Bank Teesside A&B will incorporate the revised Zone ambitions.

“Together these four projects represent more potential capacity than all the offshore wind farms currently installed and operating in UK waters.

“This is put into context when considering that the UK is the world leader in this industry with as much capacity already installed as the rest of the world combined.”

Forewind’s business plan also includes the development of the 2.4 GW Dogger Bank Teesside C&D with a timescale for the submission of this application subject to discussions with key stakeholders.

Head of Offshore Wind for The Crown Estate, Huub den Rooijen said that this is another example of the UK offshore wind market continuing to mature with developers like Forewind rightly focusing on getting planning consent for the best projects.

“This healthy attrition in the UK’s pipeline is delivering a leaner industry, one that’s more manageable for consenting bodies to resource and critically, one that offers greater certainty about the scale of near term development and investment opportunities,” he added


Press release, February 19, 2014; Image: Forewind