DBB Acquires New ROV System from MacArtney

Business & Finance

DBB Acquires New ROV System from MacArtney

MacArtney has delivered a powerful and versatile Sperre SUB-fighter 7500 ROV system for DBB ROV Services A/S. 

DBB ROV Services is a major Danish ROV contractor for offshore drill support, inspection, survey and support jobs in connection with installation of offshore wind turbines.

Besides the work performed on offshore drilling rigs, the Sub-fighter ROVs are also engaged in supporting the other two DBB companies – in particular on the offshore wind turbine market. Here, this type of ROVs has become one of the most used vehicles with a reputation and track record as an extremely robust and easy to maintain ROV, designed and built for the harsh North Sea environment.

Press release, February 20, 2014; Image: MacArtney