Two Rotor Stars Installed at Global Tech I
The Global Tech I announced that the first two rotor stars have been successfully installed. The jack-up vessel VIDAR starting from the JadeWeserPort in Wilhelmshaven is deployed for installation of the rotor stars.
Weighing over 100 tonnes, each rotor star is first lifted horizontally and during its ascent is rotated to the vertical position some 92 metres above the water surface using a special pivoting crossbar. The hub of the three-blade rotor is then bolted to the nacelle by an offshore team. With a diameter of 116 metres the rotor blades sweep a surface area of approximately the same size as one and a half football fields. The rotor star pre-assembly in Wilhelmshaven as well as the offshore installation with the VIDAR is the responsibility of AREVA Wind.

The installation vessel BOLD TERN from Fred. Olsen Windcarrier is now deployed for the installation of wind turbines in the Global Tech I project. Together with sister vessel BRAVE TERN, according to plan, two crane vessels will work on the tower and nacelle installations at the North Sea wind farm. Both of these installation vessels have large decks and can each transport four towers and nacelles each trip to the wind farm location and install them there. Transhipment of the components takes place at the offshore terminal ABC Peninsular docks of the logistics provider BLG in Bremerhaven. The ABC Peninsular also acts as an intermediate storage location for the components. The self-propelled vessels take approximately ten hours to sail from Bremerhaven to the installation site. The vessel BRAVE TERN is currently preparing for its fourth trip to the construction field to install towers and nacelles. All in sum 15 towers and nacelles are installed so far in the construction field.
Having three vessels involved allows much flexibility in the schedule for installation of the turbines. Wind farm construction is due for completion over the course of the coming summer and as the 80 turbines are installed they will be brought successively into operation.
Press release, March 10, 2014; Image: globaltechone