Removal of Broken Wave Generator to Take a Year (Australia)


Oceanlinx’s greenWAVE wave energy generator, which was damaged during a towing operation last month, is currently stranded off Carrickalinga Beach in South Australia.

Removal of Broken Wave Generator to Take A Year (Australia)

South Australian Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) recently warned that the wave energy generator is posing a significant safety risk: “The structure is designed to convert wave energy and in certain conditions can create a vortex where snorkellers, divers and swimmers could be dragged beneath the surface.”

DPTI yesterday told local residents that it will help with the removal of the device, but that this work could take a year, the ABC news site informs.

Oceanlinx suffered financially because of the incident with the greenWAVE unit, as it caused delays in funding, which was dependent on meeting installation deadlines. The company is now in administration.

Offshore WIND Staff, April 15, 2014; Image: DPTI