Nautricity Deploys Its Tidal Device at EMEC


Glasgow-based Nautricity deployed its 500KW CoRMaT device at the European Marine Energy Centre’s (EMEC) Shapinsay Sound test site on Wednesday, May 7th.

Nautricity Deploys Its Tidal Device at EMECThe installation was carried out by Leask Marine vessels C-Salvor and C-Odyssey.

The second generation 500KW device has been put in place alongside the company’s special mooring system.

The device features seven 1-shot RTM blades manufactured by Airborne Marine.

After the test period at Shapinsay Sound test site, the device is scheduled to go on trials to Mull of Kintyre early next year.

Last year, the company tested its first full scale CoRMaT Turbine and full scale mooring assembly HydroBuoy, a hydro-dynamic subsurface float whose lift varies with the tidal flow velocity, at EMEC.


Offshore WIND staff, May 09, 2014; Image: nautricity