WWF: EU Should Not Sell Off Energy Security to Indulge Fossil Fuels Supporters


On 12 June, EU Environment Ministers will meet in Luxembourg, followed by Energy Ministers on 13 June, to debate on two burning and linked issues ahead of the June European Council later this month: the EU’s energy dependence on Russia and an EU climate and energy framework for 2030 to be agreed in October. 

WWF EU Should Not Sell Off Energy Security to Indulge Fossil Fuels Supporters

On that occasion, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) issued the following press release:

How will EU politics affect climate and energy discussions?

There were big gains for anti-EU parties in France, the UK and Germany in recent European Parliament elections; meanwhile, the first test of the new approach to selecting the European Commission president is proceeding chaotically. Will the Council keep focused enough to advance the climate and energy agenda? WWF believes that the mainstream politics in EU Member States can engender the radical change that is needed to transform our energy systems to improve the EU’s economies, protect its citizens, and preserve its Environment. It is the most rational and economically-grounded course of action.

It is only necessary to ensure that the siren call of fossil fuels doesn’t distract politicians from a forward-thinking agenda.

Energy efficiency and Renewable energy key to ensure EU’s energy independence

The European Commission’s energy security strategy is an and-and-and approach with little coherence. Energy efficiency and Renewables are noted as key objectives, but so are unconventional fossil fuels and even clean (sic) coal. With little prospect of CCS in sight and Europe just as dependent on Russia for hard coal as it is for gas or oil [1], is the European Commission really advancing a pro-lignite policy? Will Council take the bait?

WWF reiterates the simple fact that a 2030 ambitious climate and energy package including strong energy efficiency and renewable energy targets is key to ensure EU’s energy independence in the medium to long term.

Jason Anderson, Head of EU Climate and Energy Policy at WWF European Policy Office, stated:

“Narrow minded fossil fuel supporters are trying to ride the coattails of legitimate energy security concerns, but Council needs to shake them off and focus on real solutions. They need to advance the 2030 climate and energy framework and advance efficiency and renewable energy. Using more lignite and diverting clean investment to unconventional fossil fuels will not promote energy security – it will contribute to climate insecurity and make real transformation harder.” 

Press release, June 12, 2014