The Crown Estate Responds to News on Empowering Scottish Islands


Scottish First Minister yesterday made a speech in Kirkwall outlining his proposals to empower the Islands – Orkney, Shetland, the Western Isles – if Scotland becomes independent. 

The Crown Estate Responds to News on Empowering Scottish Islands
Stromness on the Mainland is the second largest settlement on Orkney

The section on harnessing islands resources includes proposals relating to The Crown Estate such as devolving foreshore to the Islands and a proportion of leasing revenue going to the local authorities.

Stromness on the Mainland is the second largest settlement on Orkney

A spokesperson for The Crown Estate said: “Independence and the remit of The Crown Estate are matters for the Scottish people and for government respectively.

“There are various ways in which local authorities can currently control and manage foreshore while benefitting from The Crown Estate’s expertise and, in some instances, capital investment. These include Local Management Agreements, long-term leases and direct ownership.

“We will continue to work with government, the Islands councils, communities and industry to sustainably develop sectors that are critical to Scotland’s coastal and rural areas including aquaculture, tourism and offshore renewables.” 

Press release, June 17, 2014; Image: wikimedia