Joint Committee to Consider Able Marine Energy Park Petitions


Following the referral to a Joint Committee (of both Houses of Parliament) of the petitions of general objection and amendment against Able’s Marine Energy Park ((AMEP) Development Consent Order 2014, it has been reported by the Chairman of Committees that the members of this Committee have now been appointed. 

Joint Committee to Consider Able Marine Energy Park Petitions

The Development Consent Order, which if approved will provide development consent for the construction of a new harbour and energy park on the south bank of Humber Estuary, is subject to Special Parliamentary Procedure (SPP) and so must be confirmed by Parliament before it can take effect.

The Joint Committee’s first sitting will be on 30 June 2014 when it will decide its future programme. “It is not yet clear how long the Committee’s consideration of the petitions will take but the last (and only other) DCO to be subject to SPP took some fourteen months,” said Francis Tyrrell, infrastructure consenting and public law expert at Pinsent Masons.

Source: Pinsent Masons, June 19, 2014; Image: AMEP